Ah, the ubiquitous Car Show T-Shirt.
This time of year it’s the mainstay of the car guy’s weekend wardrobe (or daily, if everyday is Casual Friday). I enjoy the challenge of creating these designs, from the initial layout to the final separations. However, sometimes the show promoters or clients don’t have the budget for a super-fancy 8-10 color design. This is when it gets really challenging! When I’m limited to 3 or 4 colors, I have to rethink my entire layout and how I’ll integrate those colors in the logos, cars, and background.
And couple other examples, not car show t-shirts, but ‘car t-shirts’ nonetheless:
This one uses black, gray, red, and blue. A great combo for this fundraiser t-shirt for the Morro Bay Police Department. (see my previous post about it here)

In the next week I’ve got a few designs to post that will show the limited palette combined with vector art (Illustrator art). Stay tuned & thanks for looking!
– Kristina